3rd December 2024: Work has been initiated to explore all options on how ACCESS responds to the new requirements. These options include building a new investment company.
Work has been initiated to explore all options on how ACCESS responds to the new requirements. These options include building a new investment company.
ACCESS notes the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s Mansion House speech last night and in particular the references to the LGPS aspects of the Government’s recent Pension Review.
12th November 2024: ACCESS Pool, a collaboration of Central, Eastern and Southern Shires composed of 11 LGPS Administering Authorities and brought together from the original Pooling guidance in 2015, today announces that it has reached the £50bn assets under management (aum) mark.
The ACCESS Pool announces that it has appointed Orchard Street Investment Management (“Orchard Street”) to manage its Impact Real Estate strategy and has made an [initial] £100 million commitment.
We are recruiting two new analyst positions: a Responsible Investment (RI) Analyst and a Pool Analyst, who will play key roles in the planning, delivery and co-ordination of the Pool’s RI and Business Plan priorities.
The ACCESS Pool, which consists of assets totalling c.£45bn on behalf of participating Pension Funds, is seeking to select Senior Secured Direct Lending strategies across two distinct mandates focusing on European and US markets, respectively.
The outcome of the general election broadly aligned with forecasts of a number of pollsters: it produced a new party of government, with a Commons majority the scale of which has not been seen for 20 years. Labour in office now have opportunity.