3rd December 2024: Work has been initiated to explore all options on how ACCESS responds to the new requirements. These options include building a new investment company.
FEATURED: The ACCESS Pool, which consists of assets totalling c.£40bn on behalf of participating Pension Funds, has appointed Stafford Capital Partners (“Stafford”) and J.P. Morgan Asset Management (JPMAM) as its global timberland managers, following a review carried out by Apex Investment Advisory.
ACCESS, which pools funds from 11 local government pension schemes, has appointed Aviva Investors to manage a £250m long-lease property mandate following a review.
Two of the eleven Administering Authorities of the ACCESS Pool (‘ACCESS’), Essex County Council and Hampshire County Council, have made the first commitment to the Pool’s new property solution.
The ACCESS Pool, which consists of assets totalling c.£35bn on behalf of participating Pension Funds, is seeking to appoint two Private Equity allocators.
On the 18th March 2024 tender documents were published for the reprocurement of ACS Operator services for the ACCESS Pool. The Procurement Lead Authority is Hampshire County Council and the deadline for submissions is the 10th May 2024.
The ACCESS Pool, which consists of assets totalling c.£35bn on behalf of participating Pension Funds, is seeking a Social and Affordable Housing investment manager to manage a combined UK and Regional Mandate.