3rd December 2024: Work has been initiated to explore all options on how ACCESS responds to the new requirements. These options include building a new investment company.
Following a review conducted by consulting firm Mercer, the ACCESS Pool, which consists of assets totalling c.£35bn on behalf of participating Pension Funds, has confirmed the use of two infrastructure fund vehicles managed by IFM Investors and J.P. Morgan. The addition of these funds marks the second phase of the Private Market offering for the Administering Authorities who make up the ACCESS Pool.
The ACCESS Pool, which consists of assets totalling c.£35bn on behalf of participating Pension Funds, is seeking one or more Global Timberland ‘Core’ and Global Timberland ‘Impact’ investment manager(s).
ACCESS has appointed Pension & Investment Research Consultants Ltd (PIRC) as its external Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) & Responsible Investment (RI) advisor following a National Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) Framework Procurement, to implement the pools Phase II Responsible Investment Guidelines.
The ACCESS Pool, which consists of assets totalling c.£35bn on behalf of participating Pension Funds, is seeking a UK Core direct real estate investment manager and a Global real estate (fund of funds) allocator.
The assets invested by the constituent schemes brings the total ACCESS Pool assets under management to £33.1bn.
Four new externally managed funds enhance the fixed income and UK equity solutions for the 11 Local Authorities.
At its meeting on Monday 7 March 2022, the ACCESS Joint Committee (JC) agreed proposals enabling each ACCESS Authority’s Local Pension Board (LPB) to send two observers, on a rotational basis, to Joint Committee meetings.
The ACCESS Joint Committee met on Monday 7 March 2022.
At that meeting the 11 Local Authorities that make up the ACCESS Pool unanimously condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine in the strongest possible terms.